Jose Pastor portrait

Hello, Im Jose Pastor. Im a back-end developer with 3 years of experience. I enjoy building microservices and create solutions. My focus is Go (Golang).

About me

Jose is a proficient backend developer situated in Peru, driven by a fervent commitment to crafting innovative digital solutions. Demonstrating expertise in the end-to-end product development lifecycle, he excels in meticulous planning, design conceptualization, and the application of coding solutions to address real-world challenges. Beyond his online endeavors, Jose actively engages in collaborative efforts within the realm of open source projects. Additionally, he values personal connections and dedicates time to enjoy meaningful moments with his spouse.

My projects


Gotube is youtube library for retrieving metadata, and obtaining direct links to video-only/audio-only/mixed versions of videos on YouTube in Go.

  • Go

Telegram Client With DialogFlow

Telegram client that interacts with a bot established in dialog flow for customer service

  • Go

Api Rest Streaming Music

An api that reads music from local files

  • Go

Realtime Chat Go

Chat created with And vuejs(cdn)

  • Go
  • vue.js
  • HTML
  • CSS


Web Application to customer service

  • HTML
  • Python
  • HTML
  • CSS

My skills

My experience

Contact me

Please contact me directly at or through this form.